P.O. Box 922, Frazer, PA 19355 (P)610 651-5717 (Fax)610-651-5718
P.O. Box 922, Frazer, PA 19355 (P)610 651-5717 (Fax)610-651-5718
David C. Babbitt, AICP NJPP is the President of David C. Babbitt & Associates, LLC, Land Planning Consultants. David has been in the profession 1989, and is in his 30th year as a professional land planner.
David began his planning career at the Montgomery County (Pennsylvania) Planning Commission, first as a community planner (1989 to 1991) and later a senior planner (1992 to 1997). He served as a planning consultant to numerous municipalities in the County; researched, wrote, and presented comprehensive plans, open space plans, zoning ordinances, demographic analyses, fiscal impact analyses, and other studies; reviewed all proposals for land development and subdivision under Act 247 in his assigned communities; met with developers and municipal officials to identify and resolve issues and facilitate the approval process; and attended hundreds of meetings of planning commissions and elected officials in his assigned communities.
Since 1997, David has operated DCB & A, a private consulting practice in land planning. His practice has included writing and revising zoning ordinances and subdivision ordinances, comprehensive plans, open space plans and land use assumptions reports for municipalities; preparing and reviewing subdivision and land development plans; providing expert testimony before zoning hearing boards, planning commissions, and elected officials; mediating land use disputes under Section 908.1 of the MPC; and preparing fiscal, recreation, historical, visual, environmental, and community impact analyses for developers.
In 2003, David served as the interim director of planning and development at Lower Providence Township, central Montgomery County. His duties included reviewing proposals for subdivision and land development, reviewing proposed zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance amendments, preparing resolutions of approval, administering the MPC time clock and the maintenance period for each proposal, administering escrow releases, and attending Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors meetings.
Since 2005, David has been a certified instructor and has taught more than 25 courses throughout southeastern Pennsylvania in the three subjects of community planning, zoning, and subdivision and land development review. Class participants include local elected officials, planning commission members, zoning officers, other municipal officials, attorneys, engineers, developers, and citizens. These courses were created by the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute, a joint venture of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association and the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs. Each course is comprised of three sessions, totaling nine hours of instruction.
David is a member of the following professional organizations:
Download a copy of David C. Babbitt Curriculum Vitae
Babbitt Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
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